Municipalities can apply for funding in the regional subsidy program renewal and rural development
30. January 2017
The Moravian-Silesian Region launched on 24 January 2017 admission of applications for the grant program intended for the rural rehabilitation and development MSR. Apply for funding, is possible till February 3, 2017.
Available activities for subsidy title 1:
- Redevelopment (reconstruction, modernization) and the construction of selected elements of rural development, infrastructure and amenities (town halls, schools, physical education facilities, cultural and social facilities, medical facilities, social care facilities, fire stations, public areas, etc.).
- Reconstruction and construction of local roads, tertiary roads, water permeable roads, including the accompanying road vegetation (roads, culverts, bridges, walkways for pedestrians or cyclists, trenches, waiting for public transport stops, sidewalks, parking lots)
Applicants cab be municipalities to 3.000 inhabitants.
Associations of municipalities can apply in the subsidy title 2 and can raise funds to support the activities of project managers and consultants in the region, who provide activities aimed at education and counseling in the area of rural development and village renewal
More information can be found on the website of the MSR.