The Technical Olympiad is over

29. May 2017

The 2017 Technical Olympiad, which took place electronically from 24 April 2017 to 26 May 2017, was evaluated. 20 questions answered in total 839 pupils from 27 elementary schools from the Moravian-Silesian Region. The most active were the Elementary and Grammar School, Comenius 754, Vítkov, and Primary and Kindergarten school, Karviná. 110 pupils competed for each of these schools! A total of 10 participants answered all the questions correctly.

Because many were successful, we draw lots and the winners are:

  • Karel Křesťan, St. Ludmila Elementary School, Hradec nad Moravicí
  • Natálie Krečmerová, Elementary School and Kindergarten Frýdecká, Havířov-Bludovice
  • Šimon Provázek, Elementary School of Ilja Hurník, Opava

All three of us send small rewards and congratulations.